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In this unique interpretation on Bram Stoker's "Dracula", a new Dracula is born into a world he doesn't understand and is forced to navigate his sudden lust for blood. A powerful ruthless vampire, at night he stalks his prey looking for a new victim to feast on but during the day he stands in his lair haunted by his vicious attacks. He stares into the reflection-less mirror and wonders.... am i the monster?
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Dracula, The Monster
2023 / NR / 0 hr 23 min
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In this unique interpretation on Bram Stoker's "Dracula", a new Dracula is born into a world he doesn't understand and is forced to navigate his sudden lust for blood. A powerful ruthless vampire, at night he stalks his prey looking for a new victim to feast on but during the day he stands in his lair haunted by his vicious attacks. He stares into the reflection-less mirror and wonders.... am i the monster?

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