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Houston Coley

Houston Coley

Birthday: | Place of Birth: Georgia, U.S.

Houston Coley is a YouTube film critic and video producer. He writes, shoots and edits video essays and short films on a regular basis on his YouTube channel, HoustonProductions1. In 2014, Houston produced his first officially released short film, 'HP1's Hijacked.' Throughout 2015 and 2016, Coley's channel shifted from discussing toys and creativity with LEGO, to instead offering up opinions and criticism for movies. Weekly video essays on filmmaking started being released. Following the release of HIJACKED in 2014, a sequel was planned to be released the following year, but it was cancelled halfway through production due to onset difficulties and a busy school schedule - as well as the aforementioned shift from LEGO to film criticism on Houston's YouTube channel, which he feared would not align with the main ideas and creative intent behind the HIJACKED sequel. At the start of 2017, Houston began production on LONGBOX BREAKUP, which is set for release in Fall 2017 and stars Julia Jones, Mary Georgia Hamilton, and Coley himself. When discussing the short film, Coley likened it to the awkward style of SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD or NAPOLEON DYNAMITE. The film is still in post-production as of May 2017.


Known For




Longbox Breakup

as    Logan Patterson