The provocative story of Cole, a time traveler from a decimated future in a high-stakes race against the clock. Utilizing a dangerous and untested method of time travel, he journeys from 2043 to the present day on a mission to locate and eradicate the source of a deadly plague that will all but annihilate the human race.
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12 Monkeys
2015 / TV-14With the identity of the Witness - the engineer of the reality ending Army of the 12 Monkeys - now known, Cole and his allies must travel through different eras in history to stop him.
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12 Monkeys Season 3 Full Episode Guide
The final battle with the Witness begins.
The reason why the Witness wants to destroy time and all reality is revealed.
Former friends, now enemies, race to find the Witness in 1904, who, at last, reveals his face.
Cole and Railly find themselves at opposite ends of an unspeakable decision. Jones grows suspicious while Railly turns to an emotional ally for advice. All hell breaks loose during a massive fire-fight.
In 1953, Cole and Railly reunite with Agent Gale at the birth of the Army of the 12 Monkeys.
Out of time and in need of answers, Jennifer and Deacon are sent to 1989 to steal the a sacred document. Can Railly and Cole get to the Word first before it reveals the one secret they want kept?
Ramse and Cole splinter to 2007 expecting either a trap - or a final chance to kill The Witness. But when Cole discovers a heartbreaking truth, he’ll discover that the mission was both.
Bonds of trust are tested when Ramse returns to the facility with an old enemy held captive. How far will Cole and Jones go for the answers they need?
While searching for Jennifer Goines in post-WWI France, Cole and Jones encounter a dangerous group of time- travelers - the Guardians.
In the apocalypse of 2163, a desperate Cole searches for Titan. Meanwhile, a captive Railly is faced with an impossible choice as the 12 Monkeys await the arrival of The Witness.